
Choose from 4 Pro2030 kits. Kits include everything for field options including cable lengths and DO probe choices.


  • Overview 
  • Specifications 
    Benchtop Yes
    Certifications 1-meter drop test, RoHS, IP-67, CE, WEEE, Assembled in USA
    Connector MS (military spec) waterproof with bayonet lock
    Flow Cell Single
    GLP Compliance Yes
    GPS Yes
    Graphic Display Analog
    Memory 50 data sets
    Multiparameter Yes
    Operating pH Range English, German, French, Spanish
    Parameters Measured Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, Salinity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Temperature, Barometer
    Power 2 alkaline C-cells provide 400 continuous hours at ambient temperature without backlight
    Precision Dissolved Oxygen % air saturation- 0 to 500% air saturation Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)-0 to 50 mg/L Conductivity-0 to 200 mS/cm Salinity-0 to 70 ppt Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-0 to 100 g/L TDS constant range .30 to 1.00 (.65 default) Temperature--5 to 55°C Barometer-500 to 800 mmHg
    Response Time 3-year instrument, 2-year field cables, 1-year Polarographic sensors, 6-months Galvanic
    Unit of Measure Temperature-°C, Barometer-mmHg, mg/L, Conductivity-mS./cm, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-g/L, Salinity-ppt, Dissolved Oxygen-% air saturation
    User Calibratable Yes
    Warranty Graphic display with detailed Help; backlit display AND keypad
    Waterproof floats, IP-67 (even with the battery cover off)