Visibility Monitor
The VisGuard measures the scattered light intensity of a sample drawn into the instrument. Filtered purge air is fed through the flow cell, thus enveloping the sample in a protective shroud of clean air. This effectively keeps the optics clean. Oil dust in the sample can be detected early to help preventing from further incidents.
Nominal range: 0 .. 100 PLA (Polystyrol-Latex-Aerosols)
Sampletaking: Extractive
Scale ranges: 0..0.1 / 0..0.3 / 0..1 / 0..3 / 0..10 / 0..30 / 0..100 PLA
Protection: IP65
Sample temperature: -20 .. +50 °C
Sample pressure: max. ±3'000 Pa (±30 mbar)
Interfaces: RS232, Modbus, Profibus DP
0/4 .. 20 mA
relay contacts
Control unit
Ambient environment: -20 .. +50°C
0 .. 100% r.h.
Maximum service altitude: 3,000 m above sea level
Power supply: 85 .. 264 V / 47 .. 440 Hz
Number of sampling points: 1 .. 40
Control Units: SIREL, SIBUS