Status Instruments Loop Powered Indicators, Panel, Surface Or Sensor Mounted, DM650/LP, SEM1300 MKII, DM720, thiết bị hỗ trợ vòng lặp, bảng điều khiển, thiết bị kết nối, Đại lý status Việt Nam
Xuất sứ: UK
Nhà cung cấp: Pisteco Việt Nam
Hãng sản xuất: Status Instruments
DM720 - Panel Mounted Loop Powered Indicator
The DM720 is a compact panel mounted loop powered indicator that is designed to connect in series with a 4/20mA current loop and display the value in engineering units.
The DM720 is housed in a 48x24mm DIN standard panel mount case and provides 10mm high LED digits . The engineering range is programmed by using easily accessible push buttons. The design of the product means no external power supply is needed and it requires less than 5V from the current loop.
DM650/LP - Loop Powered Indicator With Data Logging, Alarm & Messaging
The DM650LP loop powered process switch and indicator, accepts a (4 to 20) mA signal and displays the process value in the appropriate engineering units on a 6-digit LCD display. The instrument offers an advanced display mode allowing the user to also display one or two (1 to 32) character messages.
The SEM1300 MKII is a high performance switch mode power supply which is 17.5mm wideand which complements our range of DIN rail transmitters It connects to 100 to 240 VAC and provides an isolated 24 VDC supply @ 0.5A